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​2008年 京都精華大学 芸術学部 造形学科 日本画専攻 入学

2010年 上賀神社アートプロジェクト 屏風 展示
   (Kamigamo Shrine Art Project Folding Screen Exhibition)

2011年 第57回 全関西美術展 日本画 入選
               (57th All Kansai Art Exhibition Japanese Painting Selected)

    第43回 日展 日本画 入選
                (Selected for the 43rd Nitten Japanese Painting)

2013年 京展 入選(Kyoto Exhibition Selected)

    第59回 全関西美術展 日本画 入選
                 (59th All Kansai Art Exhibition Japanese Painting Selected)

2014年 京都精華大学 大学院 芸術研究科 修士前期課程 日本画 卒業
    第60回 全関西美術展 日本画 入選
                 (60th All Kansai Art Exhibition Japanese Painting Selected)

    第1回 改組新日展 日本画 入選
                 (Selected for the 1st Reorganized New Japan Exhibition Japanese                          Painting)

2015年 第21回 花鳥画展 入選
                  (Selected for the 21st Flower and Bird Painting Exhibition)

2016年 京都日本画家協会 入会
                  (Joined the Kyoto Japanese Painters Association)

2017年 京都日本画家協会 出品
                  (Exhibited at Kyoto Japanese Painters Association)

2020年 ゲーム会社にデザイナーとして入社
      (Joined a game company as a designer)

2022年 京都日本画家協会 出品
                  (Exhibited at Kyoto Japanese Painters Association)

2023年 京都日本画家協会80周年記念展 出品
                 (Submitted to the Kyoto Japanese Painters Association 80th                                    Anniversary Exhibition)

    画家活動専念のためゲーム会社 退社

                (Left the game company to concentrate on painting activities.)
​2024  いい芽ふくら芽in OSAKA(会期2024年6月19日[水]~25日[火])

    Independent Tokyo 2024(8月3(土)11:00~19:00 / 8月4(日)11:00~18:00)





My art is deeply influenced by the unique atmosphere created by Japan's climate and traditions, and the stimulation I receive from the fantasy of games. The unique elements that Japanese culture brings to my art include the beautiful nature, the changing seasons, and motifs drawn from myths and legends. These elements give the art depth and uniqueness. The influence of the game's art is the atmospheric and mysterious atmosphere felt in the other-dimensional landscapes and character designs. These elements bring new perspectives to my art and create a place where different cultures and artistic inspirations intersect.
Influences from the game's art are inspired by character designs, otherworldly settings, and music. After capturing it with my own senses and deforming it, I create a unique atmosphere and emotion by drawing it using analog techniques. Characters, decorations, plants, etc. are expressed as a means to tell a unique story within fantasy. Through my work, I want the viewer to be taken on a dreamy and mysterious journey, and to experience discoveries from new perspectives through the influence of different cultures and arts.





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